Not long after discovering these stations, I stumbled across an american sounding station on 558 kHz. At first I thought this might be another frequency for the American Forces Network (AFN) Europe which could be heard most evenings across Europe (and still can today) from its transmitter in Germany on 873 kHz. But it couldn't be AFN as the station identified itself as 'Laser 558'. The music and presentation style were even more upfront than the Irish stations and I was hooked. 'All Europe Radio, Laser 558' displaced Sunshine on the car radio immediately and was a much better signal. I even sent to the US address for Laser (odd for a British station I thought) and became a member of the 'Communicator Club'. Even the fact that the studio was on a boat didn't arouse my suspicion that anything untoward was afoot. Ah, the naïvity of youth!
I remained unaware that Laser was a pirate station until a friend at the local amateur radio club mentioned it in passing. I was taken aback - could this (and the Irish stations I'd so enjoyed) really be the illegal, subversive, deviant stations that pirates must surely be? One of the more 'interesting' members of the radio club suggested I posted a stamped addressed envelope in an envelope and send off for a copy of 'Anoraks UK'. This was a magazine dedicated to reporting pirate radio activity in the UK and Ireland and listed hundreds of such stations who were supposedly on the air. A bit more tuning around yielded Radio Caroline, difficult to see how I could have missed that one in the past.
According to my source down at the radio club, there were also some UK based short wave pirates, who apparently hung around 6200 to 6300 kHz on a Sunday morning. Getting up at 8am on a Sunday is no mean feat for a teenager, but I did and was greeted with the pleasure of hearing Radio Krypton on 6265 kHz, and Radio Apollo on 7330 kHz. Over the next few years my tally of QSL cards from short wave stations grew significantly (Britain Radio International, Spectrum World Radio, Radio Del Mare and Radio Dublin 'The Sound of Ireland' on 6910 kHz), though I was never able to hear any of the other Irish medium wave stations. Laser 558 remained on the car radio and even my family began to enjoy it.
According to the Sunshine staff, they weren't really a pirate station, but were operating courtesy of a loophole in the French broadasting laws (a stance which I believe the Irish stations, and Radio Jackie in the UK took too). It was after this visit that I discovered that the local station in the town I was visiting Radio Cagnes-Sur-Mer on 89.1 FM, was dangling its transmitters through the same loophole and was effectively a pirate too!
The 80's were probably the hay-day for such round-the-clock, all-week-long pirate operations. The Irish and French authorities (and later the British too) soon closed any loopholes in the laws that existed, forcing most of the more commercial stations off air. Some 24/7 operations do persist, driven mainly by a belief that their local broadcasting market doesn't deliver a service to the specific niche they cater for. Medium wave pirates are now all but extinct, not least because it has lost its popularity as a broadcast medium but also because FM transmitters are now much cheaper than they used to be. Short-wave stations continue unabated with the same blend of excentricity and amateurism that have always made them such fun to listen to. Oh, and Riviera 104 (now Riviera Radio) is still going, from a new base in Monte Carlo.
What about the next 20 years? There have already been attempts at pirating digital radio (DRM as opposed to DAB). Many claim that the internet will put paid to the need for such tiny stations to flout the law and risk money and prosecution to launch their programmes to the masses. But I think that's missing the point. Pirate radio is not just about broadcasting, for many it is also about the satisfaction they get from jilting the system, and the electricity they stimulate in their listeners who are turned on by the added thrill of doing something a little bit naughty. Want to cure pirate radio? Legalise it! It's what killed CB radio off...
Disclaimer: The information contained on this web-site is presented for your enlightenment, education and entertainment only. We do not condone unlicensed broadcasting or any illegal use of the radio spectrum, nor is there any intention on our part to incite or glamorise such activities.
[ This page last updated Mon 30 Jan, 2017. Viewed 131 times. Last viewed Fri 7 Mar, 2025 at 08:48 ]